For the Intellectually Challenged =)

One of my current hobbies… *blush*

Sudoku Puzzles!

February 28, 2006 at 8:52 am 3 comments

In The Hand of God

This is a beautiful story  about a child  playing with a vase  his mother had left

on the table for a few moments.  When the mother turned at the sound of her

son crying  she saw  that his hand  was in the vase  and was apparently stuck.

She tried to help him and pulled and pulled until the child cried out in pain. But

the  hand  was  stuck  fast.  How would they get it out?  The  father suggested

breaking  the vase  but it was  quite valuable and the child's hand might be cut

in the process.  Yet he  knew  that  if  all  else  failed  there would be no other


So he said to the boy,  "Now,  let's  make  one more try.  Open your hand and

stretch your fingers out straight,  like I'm doing, and then pull!" "But Dad," said

the boy, "if I do that I'll lose my penny!" 
The boy had a coin  in his hand all the time  and was holding it  securely in his

tight little fist.  And he wasn't  prepared  to open  his hand and lose the penny.

But once he opened his hand it came out of the vase easily.
What are you holding onto so tightly as to hinder your walk with Jesus? 
That vase can be  likened  to the entrance  to the Kingdom of God. It is narrow

yet quite easy to pass in, but first you must “open” your hand to God and allow

earthly things to fall. If we keep our fists closed and hold fast to what we have

and keep it for ourselves, we will be unable to take hold of the Hand of God! 
We  arrived  with nothing  and will depart  the same way…  So we should just

trust Him, open  our hands  to the hand  of God  for us to see great things take

Author Unknown

I believe that this message applies not only to our material possessions but also 

to  other  things  that we have like our jobs, or people that we care for so much 

that we tend to spend more time with them  than we do in  serving God. Letting

go and  moving  on  is such a difficult thing... but if we just learn to trust Him to 

give us  nothing less than  what's  best  for us,  then  we  could  expect  Him  to 

surprise  us! One  of  the best encouragements I received just recently was one 

from  my sister  and I quote  "God will not always  give us  what we want in the 

exact way, place and time that we want it but what He'll give us would be much, 

much better than what we could ever think or pray for." 0=)


February 23, 2006 at 10:10 am Leave a comment

“Take care”

I’ve been slightly sick these past few days… Caught the rainy day cough and colds and have been experiencing headaches as well but I know I’ll be fine =) As the song goes “I’m trading my sickness… for the joy of the Lord.”

Anyways, having been feeling bad for so long, friends would probably have noticed me always telling them to “take care”… Two words that seem overused… in text messages when you can’t think of other words to fill in your last msg to someone to say goodbye… in letters or emails where you don’t wanna use “love lots” or “sincerely yours” or other common salutations…

Yet it could also mean something else… when sincerely meant by the well-wisher… it could mean take care coz i care… take care of urself coz i can’t be there to take care of you… and the list goes on…

I just want to take this opportunity to thank those who care and have prayed for me through these years :”> I really appreciate it and I really hope you’d all “take care”! =)

January 27, 2006 at 8:35 am 1 comment

The Sculptor’s Attitude

I got this from a God's Work Ministry email and I hope that this will
encourage you  and bless you as you choose to be filled with His  joy
and have happier days ahead! 0=)

The Bible declares in Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath
made; we will rejoice  and be glad in it."  Many times  we forget  that
our attitude has a big part in directing how our days will turn out.  I
hope  this story on attitudes will minister to your heart and encourage
you to be positive  in every situation  and always try  to see the good
even in the midst of what seems to be bad.


I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock 
strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today.
I am important.
My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or...
I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.

Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or...
I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely
and guide me away from waste.

Today I can grumble about my health or...
I can rejoice that I am alive.

Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was
growing up or...
I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.

Today I can cry because roses have thorns or...
I can celebrate that thorns have roses.

Today I can mourn my lack of friends or...
I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.

Today I can whine because I have to go to work or...
I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.

Today I can complain because I have to go to school or...
eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge.

Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or...
I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind,
body and soul.

Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the
sculptor who gets to do the shaping.

What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I
will have!

What will you choose to do with Today?
Have a Great Day...unless you have other plans.

Author Unknown

Let us never listen to the lies of the enemy who is always encouraging us
to complain, to murmur, and always cheering us on to give up on this life.
The Lord is the one  who is eager to renew  and revive the dreams that we
once had,  but God waits for us  to make up our mind and be determined to
stay positive even in the midst of a problem. God is the One who waits to
see  our attitude  in  the  midst  of a situation  and  awards  our  days
accordingly. (Deuteronomy 30:15-16) (Jeremiah 29:11)

Never forget that  you are the sculptor of your days.  God gives us each
day fresh and new, but He  leaves it  wide open  for us to decide  if we
will  bless  the Lord  and enjoy our  days, or  if  we  will murmur  and
complain  and live a defeated  life; allowing  the enemy of hell  to win
with his lies. I encourage  you to bless  the Lord all times and let His
praises  continually  be in your  mouth, so that you may be blessed  all
the days  of your life and live the  overcoming  abundant  life that God
wishes for you to live. (Psalm 34:1-6) (Ephesians 3:19-21) (3 John 2)

January 6, 2006 at 8:21 am Leave a comment

just a short note =)

it’s been a while since i have last posted =) there’s been too much going on, sometimes too much than i can handle… i’d like to write all about my thoughts but since i prioritized posting the pics of last night’s reunion, i currently don’t have the time. gotta finish my work… hope i could post some portions of my mind and heart soon… probably tomorrow.. :”>

January 4, 2006 at 9:19 am Leave a comment

10 things that made me smile today:

1. a simple “good morning” text
2. having a kulitan with my youngest nephew and remember him singing “bye bye na”
3. finishing that email as it reminded me of my happy days *heh*
4. seeing babes online
5. chatting with drich for a while
6. having an early client
7. being able to write in my blog twice today *heh*
8. aids’ ym status: “how’s your day?”
9. being “bola-ed” by my nephew that my hair looks great
10. orange juice given to me by my nephew’s yaya even if i didn’t ask for it =)

November 16, 2005 at 10:38 am 1 comment

i look weird in this pic *heh*

*** by cynts ***

November 14, 2005 at 8:43 am 4 comments

after the looong vacation… =)

here i am again at the office, excited to write about my weeklong escapade (but not having the time to do so :c) i’m still feeling kinda tired and this is why:

1. i went to a trip to Tagaytay with the kada last Oct29-31. i arrived home 7-ish already and stayed out a bit more to chat with a friend *heh* (note: i didn’t sleep during our second day of stay in Tagaytay! just chatted the night away… which i really enjoyed!)
2. i woke up really early the next day for my Baguio trip… i traveled alone (my family went ahead of me) so i really can’t sleep in the bus.
3. i stayed in Baguio from Nov1-4, arrived after lunch… then Raen called me up to ask if I wanted to watch a movie with them. arrived around 11-ish already.
4. went to the office on Nov5… worked a bit, went home then waited for Raen n Len to pick me up for Len’s passing the boards party, went home around 1-2am (wasn’t really sure of the time)
5. wasn’t really planning to go out but my sis called Mom up to ask if wanted to go with them to the zoo yesterday… and who am i to say no? hehehe so i went. then delivered some stuff to Galleria.

so there!!! gotta go back to work first to answer some fifty product inquiries i haven’t given replies to yet during my ‘leave’ *heh* hoping i’ll have time to do the kwentos and upload some pics later or tom=)

*praying for another good day [o-

November 7, 2005 at 8:34 am 5 comments


i wasn’t able to work efficiently during the 2nd half of last week because of some occurences that are too personal too mention… (and no, it’s not just my last entry) a thing that scared me… and made me realize the harsh ‘realities’ of living here… really depressing to think or even talk about it so i better not.

yesterday has been a great day though =) although i was, again, not able to work at home…
craving of the week: ICE MONSTER BLUEBERRIES & PEACHES!!!
got addicted to it when i first tried it last Sunday with my Mom and Sister at Metrowalk.

surprise #2: My Mom bought me an ice monster, too!!! Haha, good thing Ice Monster was still closed at 7-ish in the morning, was planning to have ‘breakfast’ there…

so… I wasn’t able to eat anything at Cravings, as much as I’d like to try food there… there’s just no more space left *sigh* but I was what you call bloated and happy… oh, and I feel like I’m getting fatter by the minute… ow!

the meeting:
went on smoothly over bottomless iced tea and of course, the nonstop teasings of the kada… all I can say is… I’m really really so excited to go!!! I really want to make the most of this trip… and I really have to start packing soon!!! Still gotta pack for my November 1 trip to Baguio (alone… but I’d rather take it than be left all alone for an entire week… :”> )

so for now, i just hope that:
we’ll have safe ‘outings’ and that the kada will be able to forget work and other worries for a while =)

October 27, 2005 at 8:05 am Leave a comment

a morning for mourning

Last night, I heard her…
whimpering in pain…
I tried to comfort her…
gave her a pain reliever…
told her it’ll be okay…
she’ll be okay…
that I love her…
but when I felt her I saw that she was turning like stone…
then i began to think that this might be her last night…
i tried to push the thoughts away and told her to sleep…
can’t bear to give her a last goodnight kiss though…
it already hurt me so much to see her suffer…
and see her struggle as she tried with all her strength to pull herself up…
probably to walk me up one last time.

I prayed…
that if He willed to take her soon He better take her now…
so she won’t endure more suffering…
but if He willed to give her breath for a longer time…
Then heal her of the pain she’s having…

Then she went.

Yet memories of more than fifteen years of being with her will linger…
And stay.

October 19, 2005 at 9:37 am 4 comments

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